Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Color of Lies

The Color of Lies by CJ Lyons 

High school senior Ella Cleary has always been good at reading people. Her family has a rare medical condition called synesthesia that scrambles the senses—her Gram Helen sees every sound, and her uncle Joe can literally taste words. Ella’s own synesthesia manifests itself as the ability to see colors that reveal people’s true emotions…until she meets a guy she just can’t read

 I've never been much into Young Adult novels (aside from Twilight and a few others) and it's been awhile since I've picked one up. After reading, The Color of Lies, I'm not sure I'll come back to this genre anytime soon. The whole premise of the book certainly drew me in; Ella, an 18 year old high school senior, has synesthesia which lets her see colors to reveal people's emotions and aura's. But, it was a letdown as both the mystery and characters fell completely flat for me. I couldn't relate to either Ella or Alex and found their relationship to be strange and unconvincing. I began losing interest 1/3 of the way through and found myself skimming pages and chapters to get to the point. This book is definitely aimed for young adults, which may be the reason it didn't connect with me.

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