Friday, February 5, 2010

welcome to the diary of an obsessed reader

So after following book blogs for the past few months, I have finally decided to start up my own... and here I am! I am obsessed with books. Like, OBSESSED. It's quite a problem... seriously, I love reading. I love how much you learn and how how many different lives you can lead. And I love how you can escape to so many different worlds and cultures. You can be & do anything through books and I think it's pretty fascinating! I am in NO way a professional book reviewer (and I have no intention or desire to be one either), I'm just doing this blog for me so I can keep track of all the amazing books I read. Along the way I'll share my opinions on books I've read, books I want to read, my favorites, etc., etc. Hopefully I can be somewhat insightful and inspire you to read some of my picks!
"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again"

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